It is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 1st Terengganu Multidisciplinary International Conference (TeMIC ’18) that will be held at Terengganu Science & Creativity Centre (Pusat Sains & Kreativiti Terengganu), Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysia on 31st March to 01 April 2018. The conference is organised by Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu. TeMIC is a multidisciplinary conference that combines International Academic Conference (IAC), Terengganu International Business and Economic Conference (TiBÉC) and International Conference on Engineering and Computing Technologies (ICECT).
Selamat Datang
This year TeMIC’s theme “Soaring Towards Excellence in Innovation” cater to the current needs on excellence in education and innovation in various research areas and industries. TeMIC 2018 aims to provide excellent opportunities or professionals, engineers, academicians, and industrial people to share and exchange ideas, research progress and outputs as well as applications in various fields.
To promote discussion and exchange of ideas and knowledge among researchers from various countries in various field of social sciences, engineering and technologies.
To facilitate the formation of networking among industries and also between academic institutions local and international.
To gather and discuss working papers on multidisciplinary areas.
To generate and diffuse new theories, applications and technologies in multidisciplinary areas.
To serve as a platform for research collaboration among other institutions of higher learning in multidisciplinary areas.